
Berner’s Auction Gallery does not handle any shipping in house, however we work closely with the local Fairborn UPS Store #3844.

If you are not located in the Dayton – Springfield area we will automatically forward your item(s) to UPS after the auction invoice has been paid.

If you prefer to make your own shipping arrangements, or are planning on picking up in person, please e-mail us immediately so we know not to forward your items to UPS Fairborn.

UPS will contact you regarding shipping cost once your shipment is ready. It is the buyer’s responsibility to pay all fees associated with shipping and packing directly to the UPS Store.

Shipping of large items can be expensive, feel free to contact the UPS Store for shipping estimates prior to bidding!

Fairborn UPS Store #3844

1166 E Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd

Fairborn, OH